A Powerful Remedy for a

Non-Existent Love Life After 40:

Quit Unavailable Men,

So You Can Love The Guy Who Loves You Back!

Get the workbook, guided meditations and cheat sheets, plus a whole host of bonuses for a limited time! Get instant access below!

Don’t Believe the Fear Mongering:

You CAN Find The Right Person After 40!

Marriage “Statistic” Myth Debunked

(Written by Dr. Marina Adshade for the Institute for Family Studies)

“The article titled, “Too Late for Prince Charming?” warned that if an educated woman was still single at the age of 40, she was more likely to get struck by lightning than to ever walk down the aisle clutching a bouquet of flowers. We know how wrong these predictions were: even among those women who postponed marriage until after the age of 40, almost 70% married.”

Calling All Smart, Intuitive Women Over 40 Who Are Fed Up With Choosing Mr. Wrong On Repeat And Wondering If Mr. Right Is Even Out There …

… I Have a Special Announcement About the Mistake Smart, Intuitive Women Make that Keeps Them from Finding Lasting Love With Mr. Right - and How to Avoid It

From the desk of Intuitive Love Coach, Truly Eleanor

You thought if you got clear on what you wanted and in touch with your feminine it would be easy enough to call in the love of your life by now.

It seems everyone and their dog is all over IG flaunting their weekend getaways with their soulmate, gazing into each other’s eyes, oblivious to the radiant sunset behind them.

Year after year, you’ve gone deep on who you’re looking for, taken classes to get into your feminine and you’ve tried to stay positive and open-minded as you navigate the dating apps (even though you haven’t found any worthy prospects, not even close).

But you haven’t been able to find anyone of high quality to date, let alone your person. And you worry: what if the right person for me isn’t even out there?

If you’d known how many years would go by without meeting anyone who feels like home, you would’ve probably done things differently.

This is exactly what I thought after I got dumped by text message at 43 years old-yet another dumpster fire ending to someone I thought was the one.

No matter how much journaling I did or how many books I bought, I couldn’t crack the code on finding love. Maybe you feel the same?

  • Maybe you’ve all but given up because the pickings online are so slim.
  • Maybe you lack confidence in your ability to make good choices and constantly second guess yourself, so when push comes to shove in moments when the years seem to mock your feelings of aloneness, you end up choosing the wrong person again.

I had the best luck at always choosing the wrong guy on repeat. Over and over I would choose another version of Mr. Wrong and eventually this led to me feeling more hopeless with every breakup and each passing year.

The problem was I just wanted love and to be loved back. #BigHeartSyndrome

I ignored the red flags (my intuition) and squashed down the feelings of loneliness by giving even more of myself (I needed to try harder, be better, make it work). #PerfectGirlSyndrome

It seemed like I was forever chasing the love I couldn’t catch up to and this continued for decades. I didn’t want to admit it, but deep inside this felt helpless.

Single again after being dumped by text at the age of 43 (see above),

I was D. O. N. E.!

This was my “Enough is Enough” moment. I told myself I will NEVER go through this again.

I deserved true lasting love and I was going to do whatever it takes to have it.

I got support to dive into my insecurities and be vulnerable. The walls started to come down.

I learned that no matter what, you can’t love the wrong guy enough to make him the right guy. Read that again.

Finally, I began to emerge as myself but better, I leaned into my heart's wisdom and trusted my intuition. ❤️

Then, in a way that seems almost like a miracle, after 10 days on a dating app, I met my handsome and spectacular husband.

Getting married later in life IS the move. (Mid-forties for me.) And as cliche as it sounds, it took me having everything I didn’t want to have everything I wanted (and more!).

Now I’m married to the love of my life which makes me feel at home and at peace.

"Eleanor's workbook changed my love life in record time! Within 11 days of doing its exercises I met someone wonderful who was everything I'd dreamed of (and recorded through the exercises in the workbook) and more!" Ali Singer, USA

Now I have a best friend and so much more to share my life with which makes me feel connected.

Now I have support to be myself and live my purpose which makes me feel fulfilled.

My insecurities don’t make my decisions for me and our communication lines are open anytime we want to share our dreams, fears and desires.

My intuition is stronger than ever, flourishing in an environment where I’m not made wrong.

I am truly me. And my heart and life is overflowing with love.

If you’re willing to face your insecurities and trust your intuition you can have the dream relationship… simple, not necessarily easy.

I know this because I have seen it over and over the past 15 years helping women through the process.

At first I was waiting for the other shoe to drop with my husband, but after 6 years together, our connection is deeper than I could’ve ever dreamed.

Imagine if you could experience the same kind of love connection.

Imagine meeting someone who loves you for who you are.

My clients started asking me what exact steps I took to find my love and that’s when I decided to share my process in an easily accessible format for women over 40 who want the same results.

“Eleanor’s process has already yielded healing and major shifting with my mindset and old, negative beliefs/patterns...she has created a powerful technology for anyone ready to bring in the relationship of their dreams!!!” Amrita Raven Muehlgay, USA


The Wrong Guy Dating Detox

A 26 page dating detox workbook, self-care + healing audio program (mp3 meditations), and cleanse the past training class to help you quit toxic unavailable men, so you can love the guy who loves you back

Perfect for Single Women Over 40 Who Want To Stop Choosing Mr. Wrong … So They Can Feel Confident And Available for Mr. Right!

You’ll come away with:

  • A personalized love attraction process that connects to your heart’s desires for a fresh start dating plan (so you can find lasting love with the right person for you)
  • An understanding of the top 5 limiting beliefs that keep smart, intuitive women choosing the wrong guy on repeat (so you can stop doubting yourself when it comes to dating!)
  • A cleansing of past relationship hurts and self-sabotaging habits (so you can stop second guessing your amazingness and finally see yourself how others see you)
  • A process that teaches you how to avoid past mistakes that waste your time and drain your energy (so you have plenty of energy for romantic weekend getaways with the love of your life)
  • Effective techniques to focus your mind in a way that works for you (instead of being overwhelmed by negative thoughts and fears)
  • A successful method to quit unavailable men (so you can be fully available for the man of your dreams)

“I feel like I have been given lots of tools to be fully equipped to go forward actually being me. Thank you so much Eleanor.” A Rhyslynn, Canada

What’s Inside The Wrong Guy Dating Detox

1. Dating Detox WORKBOOK (value $27) Journaling prompts and practical exercises included.

You'll learn:

  • Top 5 limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in patterns that bring you what you don’t want
  • Discover your fave love attraction recipe ingredients (i.e. your values and your future love’s desired qualities in a way you’ve never thought of before)
  • Proven and powerful manifest Mr Right attraction recipe (to connect to what you truly desire so you can avoid getting tangled up with Mr. Wrong-again)
  • Successful tips to decipher between fear, anxiety and your intuition


You'll get:

  • Detox Old Relationship Patterns (value $17)

If you're a woman 40+ who is ready to find the one, you'll want to clear and release old emotions and experiences from your past. This powerful and healing guided meditation will help you cleanse old stagnant energy, emotions and experiences, so you have the space to attract love into your life.

  • Detox Self-Sabotaging Behaviors (value $17)

During this powerful guided visualization, you will dive into the hidden realms of your subconscious and energy fields to bring light to the patterns and beliefs keeping you frustrated and attracting what you don't want. You’ll be working with Goddess Archetype Isis to move energy and bring you into a state of true awareness, so you can empower yourself and attract the life and love of your dreams.

  • Detox Dating Anxiety (value $17)

Learn to date with more confidence and less anxiety with this healing audio. Truly Eleanor, Intuitive Love coach and Women's Empowerment Teacher draws on her 15 years experience to help you release the past, plug into your internal calm and go on dates feeling centered and joyful. Go on a guided process to let go of the causes of your anxiety and activate your inner joy.

  • Goddess Chakra Healing For Love Meditation Series (7 Meditations)

This is a bundle of seven guided visualization and healing meditations for love. You will work with the Love Goddess Archetypes for each chakra, to guide you through any feelings of not good enough, fear of intimacy or other limiting beliefs and fears you may be holding onto, so you can connect to your heart, find your voice and step into your power in love and life!

  • Root Chakra (value $17)

In this healing and guided visualization journey, Kurkulla, the Goddess of Enlightenment, helps you plug into the wisdom of your body, the earth and your pure magnetism. Experience powerful energetic upgrades for belonging and inner knowing and ANCHOR YOUR SUPPORT in your life and body.

  • Sacral Chakra (value $17)

In this healing, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, Sexual Pleasure and Beauty, helps you FREE YOUR CREATIVITY. Whether it’s sexual expression, sensuality, creative pursuits or being in flow, you are going to love the love vibes in this one!

  • Solar Plexus Chakra (value $17)

In this healing, Isis, the Goddess of Magic and Power, helps you STEP INTO YOUR POWER. She is with you as you release all the wounds and misguided notions about who you are and anywhere you may have lost confidence in who you truly are.

  • Heart Chakra (value $17)

In this healing, Mary Magdalene, Goddess of Compassion, helps you ELEVATE YOUR COMPASSION. She is here to help you release any fearful energy that puts you in “nice” energy as opposed to kindness and compassion for yourself. This is a powerful repatterning of your own personal power and unconditional love.

  • Throat Chakra (value $17)

In this healing, Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld (your Shadow Self), helps you FIND YOUR VOICE. The back of the throat holds and receives guidance from Creator/Source/Universe and so if you’ve taken in messages that are less than your authentic self, your voice and expression is diluted and suppressed. This is about connecting to your own direct channel of communication, to express yourself into the world.

  • Third Eye Chakra (value $17)

In this healing, Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War, helps you EXPAND YOUR INTUITION and see your true desires as a beautiful tapestry, woven with your own messages and connection to your higher self and the universe. You will receive a clearing to receive the highest and best intuitive downloads for your love life.

  • Crown Chakra (value $17)

In this healing, Theia, Goddess of Sight and Shining Light, helps you SEE YOUR VISION. During this activation, Theia will assist you to create and embody your vision for your life purpose, heart’s desires and soul calling. Includes a fun creation exercise to design your Metaphysical Crown with shining GEMS!

3. Dating Detox: Detox the Past AUDIO TRAINING mp3 (value $37)

Breaking Free: How To Finally Let Go Of An Ex

Does it feel nearly impossible to move on from a past relationship? This audio mini-training gives you practical tips and tricks to find out why you are stuck on someone (or a past pattern) and how to move forward to be available for the love you truly desire.

4. Dating Detox: No, Thank You + Yes, Please Tips for a Fresh Start


  • Two Essential Steps To Stop Choosing Mr. Wrong (value $11)

This cheatsheet will summarize the two most important steps to take (plus handy tips and techniques) to stop ending up in relationships with someone who isn’t right for you. Keep this cheatsheet close by so you can remember to use this tried and true recipe to stop attracting wannabe imposters who seem to be everything you’ve dreamed of, until they aren’t.

  • True Love Intentions (value $11)

Use this handy cheat sheet to read your powerful and intentional heart’s desires for love! Refer to your intentions every day by reading them or even better, saying them out loud. Amplify your excitement and focus for what you want to experience in your love life with this handy reference sheet!

  • Boundaries (value $11)

Remind yourself that it’s ok to have boundaries (especially if you’ve had your boundaries violated in the past) and learn about all the types of boundaries you can maintain in love relationships and beyond. Keep this handy reference for before and after dates and to navigate the dating journey more peacefully and powerfully.

  • Dating Dos + Don’ts (value $11)

Keep a list of dating dos and don’ts as reminders during your dating journey or even to get yourself prepared to date. Know what to focus on and what you can avoid, so you are in the most empowered space on dates (and can choose situations and people who are good for you).

Total value ($278)

Today’s price $27 USD

The Truly Eleanor Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied with The Wrong Guy Dating Detox after 30 days, I will offer you a full refund, no questions asked.

Your life is fulfilling and you’re ready to share it with the love of your life…

Don’t let another holiday season go by as the token single person at the family table.

The Wrong Guy Dating Detox

Dating Detox WORKBOOK (value $27)

Dating Detox SELF-CARE + HEALING AUDIO PROGRAM (Includes 10 MP3s)

1 Detox Old Relationship Patterns Guided Meditation (value $17)

2 Detox Dating Anxiety Guided Meditation (value $17)

3 Detox Self-Sabotaging Behaviors Guided Meditation (value $17)

4 Goddess Chakra Healing: Root Guided Meditation (value $17)

5 Goddess Chakra Healing: Sacral Guided Meditation (value $17)

6 Goddess Chakra Healing: SolarPlexus Meditation (value $17)

7 Goddess Chakra Healing: Heart Guided Meditation (value $17)

8 Goddess Chakra Healing: Throat Guided Meditation (value $17)

9 Goddess Chakra Healing: Third Eye Guided Meditation (value $17)

10 Goddess Chakra Healing: Crown Guided Meditation (value $17)

Dating Detox: DETOX THE PAST AUDIO TRAINING mp3 (value $37)

Break Free: How To Finally Let Go Of An Ex


BONUS: CHEATSHEET Stop Choosing Mr. Wrong (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET True Love Intentions (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET Healthy Dating Boundaries (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET Successful Dating Dos and Don’ts (value $11)

Total value ($278)

Today’s price $27 USD

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much time is required to go through this program?

For best results, I recommend setting aside five hours in total to complete the program. It would be beneficial to break this time up over two or three weeks. Doing the exercises and listening to the audios over a longer period of time will allow the insights to sink in and aha moments to happen! The cheat sheets can help you stay focused in the long term. When you do sit down to dive into the material, you can choose the times and days that work best for you to go within and find time for reflection (ex. before bed or when you wake up). Ultimately, it is up to you how much time you want to dedicate to allow the changes to show up in your life, both internally and externally.

  • How fast can I expect to see results in my dating life?

Based on working with nearly one thousand women around the world over the past 15 years and giving them these tools and processes to work through, it varies based on the individual. Sometimes you can start doing a couple of the exercises or listen to one meditation and have a profound shift in your life. Other times it is a more subtle internal building of a foundation which takes longer to see results in your outer life. A great exercise is to track your own changes by starting at a baseline of how you feel and what your life is like when you start to use the toolkit and then checking in a few weeks later. Being aware of shifts and changes helps to propel you forward and allows you to focus on what you are shifting (rather than feeling like nothing is happening).

  • What if I haven’t dated in a long time? Will this toolkit still help me?

Yes, absolutely. These tools will give you the steps you need to start from scratch even if you haven’t dated in years. I was single for 10 years before I took charge of my destiny and created the tools (which led me to meet and marry the love of my life in my 40s) that I now offer other women. This toolkit will give you the steps and momentum you need to move towards the love you desire!

  • Is everything available immediately?

Yes, you will have immediate access to all the materials and links you need to go through the toolkit.

  • Is there a guarantee?

If you’re not 100% satisfied with The Wrong Guy Dating Detox within 30 days, I will offer you a full refund, no questions asked. Simply email me at info@trulyeleanor.com

  • Do you have people who’ve used this with success?

Yes, the program is an amalgamation of the tools and resources I’ve given my clients over the past 15 years. The difference is you can use them on your own time at a significant cost reduction compared to working with me privately. You can see the testimonials on this page for more details of the successes my clients have had.

  • What if I hate online dating and want to meet someone organically?

Although online dating is not the only way to meet Mr. Right it is definitely an avenue to explore with a fresh perspective. You can use the toolkit to help you overcome some of the hurdles and obstacles you have with online dating to make it an easier and more intentional process for you. If you decide that after doing the meditations and exercises that you want to explore other options, you will still be able to use your newfound skills at singles mixers and other ways to interact with other singles. Keep in mind that if you want to meet someone you will need to take action to put yourself out there, whether it’s online or offline.

  • I’ve already tried online dating and it's been a disaster! Will this still work for me?

Yes, the tools will help you overcome self-doubt and confidence issues and teach you to avoid choosing someone who is not right for you. In other words, you will learn new ways of online dating that can change the game for you!

  • What if this toolkit is not what I expect?

Although I intend for this material to be helpful and life-changing, I also understand that this toolkit is not for everyone. If you’ve given the exercises a good effort and feel that it is not what you need, you can ask for a refund (no more than 30 days after purchase). Simply email me at info@trulyeleanor.com.

“I cannot recommend Eleanor’s work enough, especially regarding relationships. She has gifted me with remembering who I am and I am deeply grateful. May you and your work grow Eleanor, as you shine your light onto this world.” Angeline E, Namibia

The Wrong Guy Dating Detox

Dating Detox WORKBOOK (value $27)

Dating Detox SELF-CARE + HEALING AUDIO PROGRAM (Includes 10 MP3s)

1 Detox Old Relationship Patterns Guided Meditation (value $17)

2 Detox Dating Anxiety Guided Meditation (value $17)

3 Detox Self-Sabotaging Behaviors Guided Meditation (value $17)

4 Goddess Chakra Healing: Root Guided Meditation (value $17)

5 Goddess Chakra Healing: Sacral Guided Meditation (value $17)

6 Goddess Chakra Healing: SolarPlexus Meditation (value $17)

7 Goddess Chakra Healing: Heart Guided Meditation (value $17)

8 Goddess Chakra Healing: Throat Guided Meditation (value $17)

9 Goddess Chakra Healing: Third Eye Guided Meditation (value $17)

10 Goddess Chakra Healing: Crown Guided Meditation (value $17)

Dating Detox: DETOX THE PAST AUDIO TRAINING mp3 (value $37)

Break Free: How To Finally Let Go Of An Ex


BONUS: CHEATSHEET Stop Choosing Mr. Wrong (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET True Love Intentions (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET Healthy Dating Boundaries (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET Successful Dating Dos and Don’ts (value $11)

Total value ($278)

Today’s price $27 USD

Are you ready for a soulful connection

with the love of your life?

Here's the truth:

I know that dating after 40 can be a nightmare, especially if your love life resembles a desert mirage. From one sm-heart cookie to another, I totally understand what it feels like to be frustrated because you haven’t found someone to share your life with. I’m here to help you embrace and turn on all aspects of your truly magnetic self: which includes being intuitive, super smart, quirky, sexy AND full of heart-so you can finally feel at home with yourself and get excited for your future!

Let’s get started!

xo Eleanor

The Wrong Guy Dating Detox

Dating Detox WORKBOOK (value $27)

Dating Detox SELF-CARE + HEALING AUDIO PROGRAM (Includes 10 MP3s)

1 Detox Old Relationship Patterns Guided Meditation (value $17)

2 Detox Dating Anxiety Guided Meditation (value $17)

3 Detox Self-Sabotaging Behaviors Guided Meditation (value $17)

4 Goddess Chakra Healing: Root Guided Meditation (value $17)

5 Goddess Chakra Healing: Sacral Guided Meditation (value $17)

6 Goddess Chakra Healing: SolarPlexus Meditation (value $17)

7 Goddess Chakra Healing: Heart Guided Meditation (value $17)

8 Goddess Chakra Healing: Throat Guided Meditation (value $17)

9 Goddess Chakra Healing: Third Eye Guided Meditation (value $17)

10 Goddess Chakra Healing: Crown Guided Meditation (value $17)

Dating Detox: DETOX THE PAST AUDIO TRAINING mp3 (value $37)

Break Free: How To Finally Let Go Of An Ex


BONUS: CHEATSHEET Stop Choosing Mr. Wrong (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET True Love Intentions (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET Healthy Dating Boundaries (value $11)

BONUS: CHEATSHEET Successful Dating Dos and Don’ts (value $11)

Total value ($278)

Today’s price $27 USD

2024 Copyrights by Eleanor MacDonald. All Rights Reserved.